Ok, so here it is, my mum were coming for a visit for the weekend and I needed to shine up theplace so I went to Sørlandssenteret to gather some stuff. I wanted a buquet of flowers but Imallergic to the pollen so I figuered I get some fake ones and make them look all lovely and pretty. Easier said than done I tell you. Naturally I was also quite excited to get out of the house for a change...I have hardly seen any other people than Sally, Alf, Irene and Colleen lately - not to mention any real people! So, after taking a shower (first since ...well... lets not go there...being on sickleave doesn't really inspire great personal hygiene or getting up at reasonable hours (like before noon)and you really risk turning into a crazy recluse so this was really a BIG day for me!)But I digress, I was talking about going to Sørlandssenter to look for some nice fakies. Which, as I said, really isn't that easy! I mean, pretty fakies is hard to find! And besides, I was all jumpy and giddy about being outside and meeting people, albeit it I found it a bit strange that people didn't start lauging at funny situations or clapping when something nice happened. Like for instance when I was at the Foto Knudsens looking at cameras which I really can't afford but hey - what is money anywas. There is always a solution. Like entering a competition or tell your heartbreaking story to an elderly but sweet person which mysteriously appears from nowhere and then it turns out she's an angel and you get heeps of money and a new house and a personal consultation with Dr. Phil and get to appear on Oprah. These things happens! Right? Anyhew, I was standing in the Foto Knudsen talking to the clerk and then a boy about 12 walks up to me and says: "Vakkert"...Huh? The clerk continues his salespitch for the more expensieve cameras (which I of course purchase - I am definately bound to meet an angel any day soon now, or at least a man which is secretly very wealthy and at first we don't like each other at all and then it turns out that we are soulmates and meant to be with each other and he purchases everything I've ever wanted and we live happily ever after).
Back to the little boy aged 10. Or 12. Or 8. How do I know. I don't hang around kids all day. They all look the same to me anyway. Vakkert? Whatthehell? WHat is vakkert? The fake flowers? The camera? Me? Is this kid coming on to me? Or did he refer to the interaction between myself and the male clerk which actually was quite handsome and did act really weird afterwards? And why didn't I meet the clerk later so that he could take me out to coffee and reveal that he actually is a millionaire and that the boy was his little brother, the soothsayer. ( Just wanted to use that word. Soothsayer! Such a cool word!!!)And that the weird brother was only reacting to be sparks between the clerk and me and predicting that me and the clerk was soulmates and destined to be together?
Why didn't that happen? To me that really seemed to be the most reasonable outcome. It definately would have happened to Val or her sister. But then again, they as well as Sally, Alf, Colleen and Irene are fictional charachters and Im stuck here in the real world with no angels, millionairesoulmates and no chance of ever getting on Oprah or Dr. Phil.
And now I'm broke too because of that camera and the fake flowers just looks fake and wouldn't fool anyone.
And I still don't know what that kid meant. Huh.