Saturday, May 16, 2009

Found a free music site (type online radio, only you are your own DJ) and I love it! I just wanted to listen to Bif Nakeds "Lucky" and then Jango suggested a whole heap of other great bands I love. It really got what type of music I like right away. AND the lyrics to the songs are just one click away! Which is really great for me as I tend to just hum along or make up my own words when I really don't understand what the singer is trying to say.

I.e Bif Nakeds "lucky" - I thought the first line was" It was a monday when my mother told me" Which then made me believe it was a completetly different kind of song so it always reminded me of my deceased father and I remember bawling my eyes out whenever I heard that song back in 2000. I did figure out after a while that the song was about lovers, not parents and daughters (see, I made up a completely different story in my head) and today I found out that the first line actually is "It was a monday when my lover told me".

So, not really the best song to associate your father with. Ehem... But, great musicsite. Love it!

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