Monday, May 25, 2009

A little pick me up story

Ok, after the whole "doctor freaking my freak in a bad way" I think we need a hilarious funny story, to remind us all of why I am so damn loveable : Monica tends to screw up - a lot....

So todays story is as true as it is embarrassing, and you know me - I'm no stranger to sharing my embarrassing stories! And please bear in mind for this story that I'm using the american word pants, as in trousers, not in panties, like it would be in british.

So, you know when you undress for the night you just strip off your pants and underwear in one go? Yup, apparently I forgot to remove my underwear from my pants so when I pulled my pants back on this morning my underwear is still in them - somewhere.

I was completely unaware of this until I found them on my office floor after, uhm, about 2 hours of work. So, I've potentially walked around with my panties hanging out of my butt for 2 hours.

Yeeeeey... Why does this always happen to me?

Sigh... You know you love me though!

Don't you just hate it when...

Don't you just hate it when you go to the doctor for a normal check up and a "get out of delivering your thesis" card and when you say something you think is normal and innocent, the doctor gets a shocked look in her eyes and sets up tons of bloodtests and demands you to come back both often and soon.

Hate it when that happens!

And oh yeah, because of my bloodpressure et. al, I'm barely allowed to work, and working on my thesis is banned. Or like she said; Yes, of course you may finish your thesis, or- you could choose to not get hospitalized.

Lovely. Cant wait to break the news to my mum.
Anyone wanna do it for me?

The downside of having a prominient chin

Don't really know what the upside is though.... hmm....

Anyhew, the downside of having a prominent chin is that I tend to get my milkmustach on my chin instead of my upper lip. Oh! Just realised! The upside of having a prominent chin is that it keeps the milk from spilling on my chest!

Well isn't this just the exiting oxymoron.

Maybe my problem rather is how I eat and not my physical appearance. Never learned how to eat without drewling though. I guess thats a task for the future: Learn how to eat cereal and soup without spilling on self. Ough - I set such hard goals for my self!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

A-ha! I knew it!

A man is going trough a simulation on how it is to experience labour and contractions. He holds out for app. 3 hours, while generally a first time mother is in labour for almost 3 times as long.

He finishes by saying that women win the contest of the painthreshold and I just know there are many mothers out there going "A-ha! I knew it!"

Here's to you ladies!


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Aaaah! Summer!

So when does summer really start? Can I say its summer now or do I have to wait 'till june?
All the same, I've purchased a new bathingsuit and beachdress and I've gotten my summerclothes out and are currently wearing a spiffy ensemble of white shortcropped jeans, a hot pink shortsleeved top and ...wait for it... a tenniscap! I know, I know, tenniscaps are just sooo pretentious but I love it! It keeps the sun off my face and my hair still gets lots of lovely sunshine so I dont care!

I went to see my supervisor yesterday and I've had to make a really tough decision, but I am so happy about it I don't have words to describe my feelings! I can tell you that I am feeling better than ever and I do believe that this is for the best. I just hope the administrative stuff allows me to execute my decision, 'cause otherwise I'm, well - screwed, and not in that nice loving way.

So, what are my plans for today then? They are the best plans ever! I am simply gonna stay out here in the sun with my comp., sunbathe and relax a little and work on my thesis a little, and maybe grab my ipod and go for a nice little stroll around the block, just enjoing the scenery and the smells of summer. LOVE IT!!!

And I think I'm gonna invite some friends over for my b'day weekend on the 6th. Just hope they can make it 'cause I havent had people over here in like forever!

Aaaaah... do you feel that? Freedom! No more pressure! Looooving that!


Monday, May 18, 2009

Idiot commercial

"Do you need more shoes?"

What kind of inane question is that? OF COURSE I want more shoes!
I only have 40 pairs so far. Imelda Marcos had over 2000 pairs. Its like asking "do you want your baby to eat today?" OF COURSE you do!
The question is why the commercial asks such an obvious question. I cannot afford any new shoes so it's just making me angry.
Stupid commercial. Stupid shoes.

My name is Natascha and I am from Russia.

Has just learned that in prostitution Natascha isnt just a name. Its a code word for Russian hooker.
Check out article here.

So, if any of you out there are thinking about naming your daughter Natashca, I suggest you try to find another name.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Skal ikke ut, men har pynta meg for det!

Gratulerer med dagen!
Eller jeg kanskje skulle si, gratulerer med helgen?!
For en helg da gitt! Først så vinner skjønne Alexander MGP med ett overveldende flertall, også er det 17. mai i dag! Fantastisk!

Dessverre så skal ikke jeg feire med noen, dette er tross alt en dag for familien og min familie er på Sokna og i Trondheim så jeg sitter inne og jobber med masteroppgaven min (noe jeg hadde måtte gjøre uansett om jeg hadde hatt 100 familiemedlemmer her). Men selv om jeg ikke skal feire ved å gå ut og se tog osv, så betyr ikke det at jeg ikke kler meg for anledningen! Og det er i ren protest mot alle de som tror det er ok å gå med DONGERIBUKSER eller DONGERISKJØRT på nasjonaldagen. Det er det IKKE!!! Jeg bryr meg ikke hvor dårlig råd du har, hvor vanskelig det er å finne penklær som passer både kropp og lommebok, eller om det er en D&G bukse til 3000 kr, dongeri går du ikke i! Vi pynter oss skikkelig til 17. mai. Så det så!

Så var det sagt.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Found a free music site (type online radio, only you are your own DJ) and I love it! I just wanted to listen to Bif Nakeds "Lucky" and then Jango suggested a whole heap of other great bands I love. It really got what type of music I like right away. AND the lyrics to the songs are just one click away! Which is really great for me as I tend to just hum along or make up my own words when I really don't understand what the singer is trying to say.

I.e Bif Nakeds "lucky" - I thought the first line was" It was a monday when my mother told me" Which then made me believe it was a completetly different kind of song so it always reminded me of my deceased father and I remember bawling my eyes out whenever I heard that song back in 2000. I did figure out after a while that the song was about lovers, not parents and daughters (see, I made up a completely different story in my head) and today I found out that the first line actually is "It was a monday when my lover told me".

So, not really the best song to associate your father with. Ehem... But, great musicsite. Love it!


Went for a walk earlier today, Amy MacDonald om my Mp3 player and feeling rather energized and happy. Then I came over a crushed bikehelmet, possibly a childrens bike helmet, dont really know. It was shattered into several pieces and lay strew about for 20 m. Have no idea what had happened. I've checked the local newspaper but there is no mention of an accident. And the strange thing is that I didn't see anything other than the bikehelmet that indicated an accident. No tiretracks, no blood i.e. So maybe the helmet was left on the street and then got hit by a car?
Dunno. But I cleaned it up in any case. THere might be a parade through that street tomorrow so if something had happened, the paraders wouldnt be reminded of it.

Really hope it wasn't a serious bike accident, it was quite the frightful sight really.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Hva er det med menn og deres tro på at de har rett til å gi korrekser i hytt og pine? Gjerne litt nedlatende og arrogant, mens i neste sekund så kan de gjøre noe som de tildligere har kjeftet på deg for at du har gjort. Men når de gjør det selv, se da er det jo ikke det samme!


Monday, May 4, 2009

Poems I like



An unnoticed identity clouded,
restless beneath your feet
sorrow life years buried in dirt
billions of cares unforgiven.
Scar a lifeline on granite stone
living wasted nothings
These unspoken distant calls repel,
dying seeds of hateful notes
Use nitrous pins to expose
this evil flesh inside
revealing impure fragile wings
that can't ever be hidden
Yourself seen towards judgement
flow an ocean of tears seeping
downwards to Hell.

Poem by Shellie

Alone Again

Four o'clock in the morning
Afraid to open my eyes
Another day of grief,
A day of fear.
All alone I feel.
I try to justify all the pain,
All of this guilt before my eyes.
Another day of confusion,
A day of wondering.
Is it ever just going to go away?
All this pain that I feel,
And all this anger, is it going to stay?

Ten o'clock in the evening,
Afraid of the nightmares.
Again my breathing stops.
All I can do is stare into the night.
What is it that causes this feeling?
Another night of crying,
A night of hiding,
Alone once again.
My heart feels empty,
And I can't cry another tear.
Another day wasted on insecurity,
A day of wonder.
Is this ever going to end?

Another poem by Kimberly

Through My Eyes

Like tyrants assembled with tears
Trembling like a tomb
And singing like a statue
I am as empty as the ocean.
My blind eyes scream in silence
So this eternal echo will be known.
Given to the foils of time,
And shattered like plate glass-
You freeze within the fire.
Darkness now lives at daylight,
And shadows turn to the ghosts.
With all that shined is hollow
You imagine unconsciously.
And pretending to sleep you realize,
Nothing is what it seems.

Poems I like.

What Lives In Me

Misled troves on Sunday morning fly away,
I sing as I was the wind,
And burn like the fire.
Trembled cold ice lives in my heart,
Racing are my words.
They twine together as one,
But live together as two.
Roses that are gray,
And a ocean no longer blue,
The daze continues.
A bridge not to be crossed,
And a church not to be kneeled in.
Once at peace,
Resting for eternal bounds
Will then I live.

Poems I like.

Nearly Unnoticed

She is lonely
Even though you can't tell
She is reaching out
For what, she doesn't know
She will continue to sit in silence
And hope that someone may stumble across
Her and all of her emptiness
But they only hope that they do it in time
Otherwise she will have drifted too far
And she may let go
Of whatever grasp of the world she has
As she slowly fades out of the lives of everyone
Nearly unnoticed.